Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Putting on a Brave Face

As parents of kids with special needs, we have to guide them down a path that is sometimes just as new and scary to us.  We have to put aside our own fears, take their hand, and lead them on a journey that we didn't foresee or plan for.  We spent so much time dreaming of how their "normal" life would be, and all of the activities we would teach them to enjoy or experience with them.  Our reality is that we have to deal with the loss of what we'd hoped for and at the very same time help them navigate a life filled with pain, frustration, tests, doctors, therapists, medical procedures, and surgeries.  We have to teach them that we care, and this can be a huge task with a very handicapped child or one with limited communication.  It's a long process, learning to face our own worst fears and helping them to be brave when we feel anything but.  Some days are black bottomless pits of despair.  Thankfully, and by the grace of God and the prayers of others, we are able to keep going for our angels. It only takes a good report from a doctor or therapist or seeing the slightest improvement to have us soaring in the clouds once again!

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